Arriving in Japan (just 13 hours late and 95 km off course)

We were all set for our three-hour hydrofoil crossing to Fukuoka the following day when Oli received a very unwelcome email that it had been cancelled due to a maintenance issue. This was a major blow as we’d planned quite a bit of our itinerary around catching one of the first ferries to Japan since they were restarted post-Covid. Prior to 2020, there was a choice of up to five high-speed crossings daily and several more overnight crossings operated by different companies, but we had the choice of a single weekly ferry when we booked.

We grabbed our laptops and soon had a list of options, including waiting a week for the next hydrofoil crossing on Christmas Eve or taking a flight from Busan to Fukuoka. Thankfully, we found a third option: one of the previously suspended ferry companies had restarted operations literally the day before and had some available berths. After a long-winded reservations process (including many phone calls and having to re-do some of our immigration paperwork), we finally got ourselves booked onto an overnight crossing to Shimonoseki. This meant that we were arriving one day later than expected and into a different city, but at least we would make it to Japan!

The crossing itself went smoothly, although with this now being our third overnight ferry in a week, the novelty was starting to wear off a little!

We followed our now-established routine of cracking open a couple of beers and eating instant ramen with sauna eggs, but this time, we also headed outside to watch our departure. It was dark and cold and so we were out on deck all by ourselves, but it was a great way to bid farewell to lovely South Korea.

The next morning, we arrived in Shimonoseki, a small city at the very western tip of Honshu, one of Japan’s four main islands. To be honest, it turned out that we were somewhat immune to Shimonoseki’s charms – it hadn’t been on our original itinerary and seemed to be made up mostly of concrete overhead pedestrian walkways. However, we were still totally delighted to have made it to Japan after some uncertainty.

To be fair to Shimonoseki, the weather probably didn’t help as it was cold, grey and snowy (but not the good kind of snow). Its major attraction was the fish market, but having visited Korea’s largest in Busan the previous day, this didn’t hold so much appeal for us. It is also known for fugu, the ‘edible’ pufferfish that is potentially fatal if prepared incorrectly. I wasn’t aware that I’d ever watched enough of The Simpsons to have references stored away, but it turned out that I had! We weren’t keen to share Homer’s fate so we stuck instead to some delicious yakitori (barbecued skewers) for our first Japanese dinner.

Check out the sheer glee on my face at our successful order (and my first sake of the trip)

The next day, we headed south by bus to the vibrant city of Fukuoka, which was our originally-planned gateway to Japan. Full disclosure: we didn’t have a clear itinerary in Fukuoka, but we’d read that it was the home of tonkotsu ramen, and with our plans still slightly awry following our ferry cancellation, this seemed as good a place as any to start!

I’m glad we did, as it was genuinely the best ramen of my life and a great eating experience to boot. We chose to visit Ichiran, which is now a nationwide chain but was founded in Fukuoka. First, we selected and paid for a set lunch at the vending machine, which spat out two meal tickets. Next, we filled out a form to refine our selections to make sure that our ramen broth was perfectly customised to our needs. Finally, we sat down at individual booths with our own water dispensers, a call button and a set of wooden signs (in English and Japanese) in case we wanted to communicate with the staff without saying a word.

When our food was ready, it was delivered through a bamboo blind at the back of the booth, and this was then drawn so that we had a moment alone with our ramen. It was an introvert’s dream eating experience! I loved every moment.

In an attempt to digest our lunch as quickly as possible so we had room for our next planned meal of Fukuoka specialities, we took the metro to Ohori Park to take a walk around the lake, castle ruins and formal Japanese garden. It was a stunning afternoon and perfect for a stroll.

Our final stop on our brief visit to Fukuoka was at the famous yatai (food stalls) that line the riverside. These are essentially tiny streetfood restaurants where you perch on extremely narrow stools and can make friends with your neighbours and the staff running the stall – a jarringly sociable contrast to our peaceful lunch!

Although yatai are found across Japan, we read that the city had over 100, the highest concentration found anywhere. We do wonder whether the number had been affected by Covid, as we didn’t see anywhere near that many (or perhaps we were just lost, as usual). In any case, we had a fun and atmospheric dinner of sausages, gyoza (Japanese dumplings) and more yakitori.

The next day, it was time to take a bullet train south to Kagoshima. Although this was also a highly anticipated experience for me, my excitement didn’t get anywhere close to Oli’s, so I’ll let him do the honours of describing taking his first Shinkansen in the next post.

South Korea roundup 🇰🇷

We began our South Korean adventure with a week in Seoul, before zig-zagging our way through the country, stopping in Seoraksan National Park, Gangneung, YongPyong, Daegu and Golgulsa Temple. After a brief excursion to the island of Jeju, we ended our month in the city of Busan.

We’ve already talked about signage and the tiny towels, which turned out to be ongoing themes throughout South Korea. We also mentioned how friendly, generous and helpful people had been in Seoul, and this continued throughout Korea, too – at various points, complete strangers offered for us to share their makgeolli (while hiking), gifted us with small packages of yakgwa (while queuing for a restaurant), shared their locally grown persimmons (while checking out of a hostel) and insisted we help ourselves to their bag of kiwi fruit (while waiting for a bus). We aspire to have this level of outgoingness and generosity!

But probably our most unexpected discovery about Korea was when Sara went looking for deodorant…

While at high altitude, ‘our’ deodorant (yes, I’m afraid we now share deodorant to save weight and space 😬) exploded and so we needed a new one. Cue nearly a week of increasingly puzzled browsing in convenience stores, pharmacies, supermarkets and cosmetics stores before we realised something funny was going on. Why on earth couldn’t we buy deodorant anywhere?! I felt like a total idiot googling it, so imagine my surprise when the search results brought back a series of blog posts from foreigners living in Korea about earwax genes, the resulting struggles of buying deodorant and how to get hold of it. I’m sure this is vastly simplified (and I’m afraid I haven’t done a full literature review – after all, I was just trying to shop for deodorant), but it seems that the same gene that determines whether you have wet or dry earwax also determines whether you tend to produce armpit odour. While over 97% of Europeans have wet earwax and so need to buy deodorant, almost all Koreans do not. Who knew?! With the help of one of the blog posts, we eventually managed to buy an extremely expensive imported deodorant in a branch of Olive Young, you’ll be happy to learn!

A very confused Sara


Our travel to and within South Korea emitted the greatest amount of carbon of any country we visited on this trip so far. This was almost entirely due to our five hour flight from Almaty to Seoul, which emitted just over a tonne of CO2e. While we’re disappointed to have emitted so much carbon on a single hop, it’s also highlighted how much carbon we would have emitted if we’d not been making every effort to travel overland where possible.

This has pushed our total emissions since leaving London to well over 2 tonnes, which we’ve offset via Gold Standard’s Climate+ Portfolio. This means that as much CO2 has been prevented from entering the atmosphere as was emitted by our modes of transport, and consequently the net carbon emissions are zero. As always, carbon offsetting isn’t as good as avoiding the emissions in the first place, but it is a way of taking responsibility for emissions that couldn’t be avoided otherwise.


South Korea was our third most expensive country per day, though I feel like this does South Korea a slight injustice. Our high expenditure was mostly due the flight we took to get to Seoul and our 3-day skiing trip to YongPyong, while both food and accommodation were consistently impressive and affordable.


South Korea accumulated the third lowest cat count of our trip, despite our intervention at a cat cafe. I wasn’t sure if it was fair to include these cafe cats, so I’ve separated our “cats per day” metric into “naturally occurring” cats and “paid for” cats. Sometimes I find it hard to tell whether I’m taking this too seriously or not seriously enough…

Meanwhile, Sara’s been mulling over the fairness of visiting countries in different seasons, since cats are far more likely to be inside and out of view when it’s cold outside. She’s now considering introducing a “seasonally adjusted cat index” to control for the effect of outside temperature. Good to know I’m not the only crazy one!

As always, we met some cats eligible for our prestigious awards.

🏅Joint award for friendliest caretaker

🏅Least menacing cat gang

While we were sad to say goodbye to South Korea, we were also excited about our 33 day itinerary for Japan. On top of this, we couldn’t wait to catch up with our good friends George and Erin for a few days in Tokyo, and also spend a week travelling around Honshu with Sara’s sister Katie.

Jjimjilbanging in Busan

After our unexpectedly luxurious overnight ferry back from the island of Jeju, we had a couple of days to explore Busan, South Korea’s second largest city.

The top item on my Korea list was to visit a Jjimjilbang (public bath), and this was only partly because they are so delightfully named! After a successful visit to the communal bathhouse in Almaty (and being cross with myself for not having tried one sooner), I’m now on a bit of a mission to try them in as many countries as possible. Korean bathhouses are a bit different for a couple of reasons, principally that they are generally open all night (it’s not unusual to sleep at them after a night out!), that they contain all manner of other entertainment such as video games rooms, and that you are given pyjamas to wear around the mixed-sex sauna areas.

I’d read that SpaLand was a great modern example, and given that a standard entry ticket is for four hours, it was the perfect place to spend some time between disembarking our ferry at 6.00am and checking into our apartment. Honestly, this place is a bit difficult to describe – it is apparently Asia’s largest bathhouse and it was so huge that even with a concerted effort, I don’t think we managed to see it all in our allotted time.

After showering and popping on our pyjamas, we met in the relaxation room, a large room filled with rows of comfortable reclining seats. People were sprawled on their chairs, scrolling their phones or watching films on their individual TV screens. It was cool but not quite what we were here for, so we moved on to the main spa area downstairs. This was a huge, light-filled space over two floors, with several ornamental ponds, a cafe, and loungers, cushions and mats for relaxing.

First, we practised making our traditional towel hats and then visited the outdoor foot bath area to show off our handiwork, picking up some quilted jackets on our way outside. We realised later that our hats looked totally different to everyone else’s, but at this point we were still very proud of our creations!

Back inside and leading off the main space were the saunas, at least ten of them. Each had a different theme and purported benefits, like the Pyramid room (51.9°c)…

“Designed at a tilt angle of 52 degrees to absorb universal energy at maximum, it is designed for you to experience a mysterious atmosphere in a pyramid space”


…(erm, ok!) and the ice room (6.5°c), in which Oli is shivering below right.

All this sauna hopping was making us hungry, so we picked up some sauna eggs and sikhye (a sweet, iced drink made from rice) as a snack.

Finally, we couldn’t leave without experiencing the communal bathhouse section, so we parted ways, whipped off our pyjamas and spent some time bathing in the sex-segregated hot and cold pools.

Continuing our theme of visiting the ‘country’s largest…’, next on our list was the Jagalchi Fish Market. We started off gently by taking the lift to the viewing gallery on the seventh floor, which didn’t allow us to see the market as anticipated, but did give us a great view of the harbour.

Then, we got into the thick of it by walking through the market itself. We’ve been to plenty of fish markets, but this one really was on an industrial scale.

Thanks only to our sheer laziness in not unpacking our trainers after our walks on Jeju, we were both wearing our walking boots, but this turned out to be a real blessing! The floor was very wet and there was evidence of some…struggles, shall we say, between the determined traders and the poor fish.

We observed a woman wrestling a huge fish in the aisle, saw trays of the unnervingly wiggly penis fish, and stood for a while watching a very determined crab attempt to escape his tank.

On the second floor were the raw fish restaurants, which will prepare your purchases and serve them to you, no cooking needed. Not being particular fish fans, we weren’t quite brave enough to try this – maybe next time…

Our final stop in Busan was the mountainside Gamcheon Culture Village. Having been built as low quality housing to relocate Busan’s poorest residents away from the city centre in the 1920s and 1930s, its population really grew in the aftermath of the Korean War. Over time, residents gradually moved away and the buildings fell into disrepair. Since 2009, when the government invited residents and artists to participate in projects to improve living conditions, decorate the village and bring it back to life, it has become a case study for urban regeneration and a real tourism success story.

We did wonder how long-time residents must feel about the changes, though – while it sounded like living standards had improved, the village must also be unrecognisable and much busier. In that sense, it made us think back to Matera, which had a similar story to tell.

We read that it was nicknamed the Machu Picchu of Busan or Korea’s Santorini, presumably by the tourist authorities, as frankly both seemed a bit of a stretch! However, it did remind us very much of Rio de Janeiro’s Santa Teresa neighbourhood, still not exactly an unflattering comparison.

We enjoyed a wander through the steep alleyways, with views down to the sea, and embraced the area’s apparent obsession with cats – they appeared in murals, signs, and scultures everywhere we turned.

After this, it was time for us to hot-foot it to the ferry terminal, picking up our bags from the metro station lockers on the way (thankfully it went a bit more smoothly than in Seoul). We totally fell in love with Korea and couldn’t believe our time was almost up! Next we’ll head to Japan, but not without some further ferry drama along the way.