Following the folklore to Haesindang Park [NSFW 😬]

While we were staying in Gangneung, we took a day trip to Haesindang Park on the cliffs overlooking beautiful Sinnam fishing village. The park was created in honour of the folklore that surrounds the village and is now the home of over one hundred graphic sculptures that decorate the park today.

A stunning coastal setting for a unique attraction…

The story goes that a young woman named Aerand went down to the sea with her boyfriend while he collected seaweed. While they were down there, the wind picked up and tragically the waves dragged her out to sea.

Statue of Aerand

Following Aerand’s disappearance, the previously plentiful catch dried up, destroying the fishermen’s livelihood and bringing famine to the village. The villagers tried leaving food as an offering at a temple on the rocks above the site of Aerand’s disappearance, but still their nets came back empty and the village fell further into poverty.

The villagers’ bad luck continued until one night, an old man drowned his sorrows and relieved himself into the sea on his way home. The next day, the old man went out fishing and for the first time in years, returned with his net full. The old man’s change in fortune was attributed to having exposed himself to the sea the previous night, which had placated Aerand’s restless spirit. The following day, upon hearing the story, every fisherman followed the old man’s example and the plentiful catch spread throughout the village.

To further soothe Aerand’s spirit, the villagers erected a number of statues that now stand proudly along the cliffs in Haesindang Park. Local artists have taken great care in decorating the wooden shafts with indigenous flowers and fish.

More recently, the collection has got slightly out of hand, with its newest members being integrated into the park’s benches, the 12 animals of the zodiac, and even a moving water wheel.

Sara said this was one of the more surreal time-lapses she’s ever taken

While we were slightly bemused by the whole experience and the sheer number of statues in the park, we were even more surprised to see families with children soberly touring the grounds and to learn that it’s also a site for school trips. It wasn’t until just as we were leaving that we saw another group who were equally baffled by the surreal creativity of some of the sculptors – they really were quite something!

With the serious sightseeing out of the way, our next stop was YongPyong, one of the venues for the 2018 Winter Olympics.

Food for the Seoul

As Sara mentioned, the food in Korea is incredible, and you don’t even have to look very hard to find it. On top of that, Seoul feels so big that even if you had a few years to eat your way around the city, I bet the food scene would have moved on and there would be a whole new set of dishes to try. Still, we did our best to do Seoul’s food culture justice during our six-night stay. This post recounts our favourite meals and snacks, half of which unsurprisingly came from market stalls.

Myeongdong market

On our first night in Myeongdong we couldn’t help but end the day at its famous night market. While the pandemic has clearly had an effect on the number of stalls, the market is starting to grow back as tourists return to the city. We happily grazed our way along the two busy streets, stopping to try whatever took our fancy amid the sensory overload of light and sound from the surrounding shops.

The foods that surprised us the most were also the simplest. The tornado potato was not just impressive to the eye, but it was also beautifully crispy and rolled in a salty barbecue rub. I also enjoyed the Dalgona (a patterned cookie made from only baking soda and sugar) way more than I had expected – it was essentially a thin piece of honeycomb, and I’m glad it was the last thing we tried as it took about 20 minutes to detach the sugary glue from my teeth.

Myeongdong Kyoja

The following morning we stumbled out of our Airbnb for lunch after watching a late-night World Cup game. We’d heard that the dumplings at Myeongdong Kyoja were good enough to justify the queue, and sure enough a line had formed down the stairs by the time we arrived. Still, it moved quickly, and it wasn’t long before we were sitting in front of a steaming bowl of kalguksu (noodles in a meat and dumpling broth) and a basket of mandu (meat dumplings), accompanied by the obligatory kimchi (fermented cabbage). I think this meal epitomised Seoul in that it was both on our doorstep, and according to Sara was “everything I’d dreamed of” when we were planning this trip.

Chimaek (fried chicken and beer)

Fried chicken and beer has skyrocketed in popularity since South Korea jointly hosted the World Cup in 2002, to the point where the combo now has its own Wikipedia page. I’d raved to Sara about the raucous crowds I’d seen enjoying Friday-night Chimaek on a previous visit to Seoul, but the restaurant we ended up at was somewhat lacking in atmosphere. Still, the chicken was delish, and indeed went down very well with a crisp draft lager.

Determined to do our Friday night justice, I led Sara down what appeared to be a dark and deserted alley towards the Euljiro district, but we didn’t have to go far before the alley was lit by the many neon signs hanging from each venue.

The stumbling of our fellow punters suggested that we’d come to the right area, and then the artwork outside of Euljiro Brewing confirmed this. The craft beer on offer was excellent, and they even had an imperial stout for Sara.

Gwangjang Market

Just northeast of the Euljiro district lies Gwangjang Market, a huge, covered market containing many fabric shops and restaurants. Despite its size, the market stalls that lined the centre of each thoroughfare squeezed the crowds down tiny alleys between fryers and restaurant benches.

The sheer number of options was a little overwhelming, and in lieu of any further research, we joined a queue that had formed outside Park’s Mung Bean Pancake restaurant. Unbeknownst to us, this restaurant had been featured on Netflix’s Street Food: Asia series, which somewhat explains its popularity. Our menu selection consisted of the namesake’s Bindaetteok (Mung Bean Pancake), Tteokbokki (chewy, cylinder-shaped rice cakes in a sweet and spicy sauce) and Gimbap (rice and vegetables wrapped in seaweed and drizzled with sesame oil). I absolutely loved alternating bites of the crispy Bindaetteok with the heat from the Tteokbokki, while Gimbap was Sara’s surprise favourite of the meal. Looking around at other tables, we realised such a meal should be accompanied by a bottle of Makgeolli (rice wine), which we drank out of the small metal bowls in the corners of the picture below. For once, I felt like we got our order spot on, and this turned out to be my favourite meal we’d eat in Seoul.

Korean BBQ

No trip to Seoul would be complete without a trip to a Korean BBQ restaurant. While normally you’d cook your own meat over a grill in the centre of your table, Suwolga offered a bespoke experience whereby the chef would grill the pork in front of you, with the help of a blowtorch for additional charring. The grilled pork was accompanied by a couple of tiny dishes containing salt and wasabi for dipping, along with a handful of vegetable sides as well. While this meal wasn’t the DIY BBQ experience we’d read about, it was way more relaxing knowing that our food was being cooked to perfection by a professional. We even made it on the restaurant’s Instagram page – please don’t judge my BBQ hamster cheeks though, I was mid-mouthful!

Gamekol Son Wangmandu

Following our hike around Namsan Mountain Park, we went looking for some sustenance at Namdaemun Market. While many of the clothes shops were closed on the evening of our visit, the restaurants and food stalls were fortunately still going strong. We joined a queue that had formed outside Gamekol Son Wangmandu, although it quickly became clear that the queue wasn’t moving and the staff weren’t working either. That was until a timer went off, and the whole kitchen sprang into action. Trays of steaming hot dumplings were passed out from the ovens, which were subsequently packaged up and handed over to our fellow customers. While most people seemed to be taking the dumplings home, ours didn’t make it more than a few metres from the kitchen before they were devoured. The dumplings themselves consisted of puffy dough surrounding a minced pork, onion and kimchi filling, which perfectly satisfied our stomach rumblings.

There was so much more good food in Seoul that we just couldn’t fit into this blog post. Still, we needed to burn off the calories somehow, and for that, we headed to Seoraksan National Park in the north-east of (South) Korea to hike up Ulsanbawi Rock.

Kazakhstan round up 🇰🇿

We arrived in western Kazakhstan by plane from Yerevan, and continued overland by train into Uzbekistan. Our original plan had been to cross the Caspian Sea by ship, but since Azerbaijan’s land borders were still closed, flying from Armenia was our best option.

Emerging from the eastern end of Uzbekistan, we travelled from Shymkent to Almaty via Astana. While it would have been shorter to travel via Almaty and end this leg in Astana (rather than vice versa), this would have drastically reduced our onward flight options, and crucially ruled out direct flights to South Korea.

Throughout Kazakhstan we were amazed at how modern everything was. I’m not sure whether our shock was just due to naivety or the stark contrast with Uzbekistan, but it certainly made getting around relatively stress-free.


Our 1 hour flight across the Caspian Sea emitted nearly as much carbon as our train travel throughout Kazakhstan, despite us travelling nearly 5 times further by train than we did by air. We also enjoyed travelling by train a lot more, given that a night spent on a sleeper train was a whole lot more comfortable than a night spent on a flight.

We travelled 4,400 km across the Caspian Sea and through Kazakhstan – our longest distance travelled in any single country so far. This goes some way to explaining why Kazakhstan also tops the carbon leaderboard by a significant margin.


Kazakhstan was pretty affordable, with us spending almost as little per day as in Georgia. It’s also unsurprising that a large proportion of our expenditure was on transport given that we took our first flight of the trip to get there, as well as travelling the longest distance overall.

In general, we found Kazakhstan to be a very tourist-friendly country. However, our one annoyance was Kaspi – the Kazakh electronic payment system which was pervasive throughout the country, yet completely inaccessible to foreigners. This was brought most painfully to light on a bus journey back from visiting the ALZhIR museum just outside of Astana. Despite paying by cash to the driver on the way, a conductor boarded the bus on our way back who wouldn’t accept our cash, and instead pointed us towards the Kaspi QR code on the wall that everyone else had used to pay. In the end, a couple of kind fellow passengers paid our fares by Kaspi, but then wouldn’t accept our cash in return, and instead wished us all the best and to “stay safe and enjoy Kazakhstan”. This moment was both excruciatingly embarrassing and totally heartwarming in equal parts.


Sadly, Kazakhstan has taken Italy’s spot with the lowest cat density of any country we’ve visited since leaving London, with only 1.6 cats per day. To be fair, it was incredibly cold when we visited some Kazakh cities, so who can blame the cats for sheltering inside?

Still, we did see some exemplary cats (and an honourable mention) during our two-stage visit to Kazakhstan.

🏅 Floofiest floofer award

At least this chap knew how to dress for the Kazakh winter!

🏅 Best aerial display

While the cat on the left was a little unexpected, we almost missed the owl chilling in a tree outside one of the crypts near Aktau – he was so well camouflaged! Although he didn’t make a sound, his one open eye did watch us everywhere we went.

🏅 best behaved kittens

These cuties were told to “stay put” in the dry while their Mum went off to hunter-gather some dinner outside a restaurant in Aktau. At first we thought they were alone, until we heard their mother padding about on the roof above our heads!


We ate really well in Kazakhstan, although admittedly this was mostly international food. We’ve already talked about our experience with Kurut (Kazakhstan’s national snack), but our train friends also recommended that we try Beshbarmak (the national dish). This comprised of horse meat and sausage in broth, on a bed of wide, flat noodles with a lone boiled potato as the centrepiece. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Beyond Kazakhstan, our first choice would have been to continue overland through China, but it’s still not possible to get a tourist visa at the moment. Our backup plan was to fly to Southern Asia, but India’s e-visa system was still suspended for British citizens and we weren’t keen to surrender our passports for a full visa. Instead, we settled for a slightly longer flight to South Korea, the home of K-pop and kimchi 🇰🇷