New Zealand roundup 🇳🇿

We completed a wonky figure-of-eight across New Zealand’s two main islands. Starting in Auckland, we traversed the North Island via Waitomo’s glowworm caves and Tongariro’s volcanoes en route to the capital city of Wellington. We then crossed the Cook Strait and after a brief tandem-shaped detour to Nelson, we headed south through the vineyards of Marlborough to the newly-rebuilt city of Christchurch. Next, and probably our top highlight, was four days of cycling through the Central Otago region. We then stopped in Dunedin for penguins and street art on the way to our southernmost point on Stewart Island, before turning north to beautiful Queenstown. At this point, we picked up a camper van and detoured to moody Milford Sound before driving all the way up the wild west coast. We then crossed the Southern Alps at Lewis Pass and made stops in Hanmer Springs and the coastal town of Kaikōura en route to Christchurch to return the camper. On our way back to Auckland, we revisited Wellington before tracing a route through Art Deco Napier and geothermal Rotorua.

Carbon 🚆

The 8,000 km flight from Singapore to Auckland dominates our carbon emissions for New Zealand, and is solely responsible for our highest single-country total to date. There’s no getting around the fact that New Zealand is a long way from everything, including its closest neighbour – Auckland is well over 1,000 km from Sydney! We agonised for a long time about whether flying to NZ was the right thing to do, but we absolutely loved every moment of our two months there, so we got good bang for our buck carbon! And, to compensate for our emissions, we’ve prevented 3 tonnes of CO2 entering the atmosphere by offsetting with Gold Standard. As always, we would have preferred to avoid these emissions in the first place, but when there’s no low-carbon mode of transport available, offsetting is the next best thing.

The other part of our NZ travel that was less than ideal was our camper van adventure, which emitted almost twice as much carbon as our journeys by bus, despite covering a similar distance in total. While literally driving the kitchen sink around the country isn’t exactly travelling light, it did afford much more independence than we could have achieved on NZ’s limited public transport network. Camper vans probably compare more favourably to public transport if you manage to fit four people into a single vehicle, although that would have been quite a squeeze in our little Toyota HiAce!

Cost 💰

New Zealand was the most expensive country we’ve visited to date, surpassing even Japan in daily expenditure. We started to notice that no matter what we did, everything always added up to NZ$150, so we joked that this was a “unit of NZ”. It was both infuriating and very funny every time it happened!

While transport seems (and to a certain extent, was!) quite expensive, it’s worth noting that we classed the camper van as “transport” rather than “accommodation” in our cost tracker, although it obviously served both purposes.

Cats 🐈

As previously discussed, New Zealanders have something of a love-hate relationship with cats. While on one hand New Zealand has one of the highest cat ownership rates in the world, these invasive mammals are making short work of the country’s much-loved flightless indigenous bird population. So it shouldn’t be any surprise that NZ came in last place with 1.15 cats per day, although its total would have been even worse if we hadn’t spotted 15 cats in one fell swoop as we passed the window of a cat cafe in Rotorua shortly before leaving the country.

Our bad cat-spotting luck means we’ve expanded the scope of our cat awards to cover other species, which is lucky really, as NZ was great for wildlife spotting.

🏅LEast evolved bird

Not many species evolve backwards, but we learned that kiwi have actually forgotten to fly as a result of having no natural predators. Instead, they forage at ground level, seemingly without a care in the world. Cute but totally useless!

🏅Absolute top number one friend

We met this little pirate in Central Otago, and I’ve never seen Sara fall in love so quickly. He even got out of his cosy bed to wave us off on a frosty morning before the sun had risen. That’s commitment.

🏅Saltiest sea dog

We met this lovely chap on the ferry from Wellington to Picton. He seemed more interested in making friends than exercising. We sympathised.

🏅Most distinguished bicycle attendant

This gentleman caused us to miss part of the vineyard briefing before our bicycle wine tour, but we regret nothing (they all made wine and that’s all we needed to know!).

🏅The aloof botanist

We found this chap enjoying the sun in Wellington’s botanical garden. He tolerated a few strokes, but we could tell he preferred keep his own company.

🏅Smallest bird friends

I just love how penguins hold out their wings while they waddle along. They were also never disheartened by their “two steps forward, one step back” approach to climbing the dunes.

🏅Behind-the-scenes photography award

This award goes to Mario, for exposing how annoying we are when we get distracted halfway through a conversation because we’ve spotted a cat.

Culture 👨‍👩‍👧

Despite being about as far away as it’s possible to get from the UK, we felt right at home in New Zealand. The people are low-key but friendly and kind, and this is the first place we’ve visited since leaving London that has a proper pub culture. We’ve missed ordering at the bar, it’s just so efficient! Some things were quite different from home, though, so in no particular order, below is a list of our miscellaneous cultural observations about NZ.

I mentioned how much we enjoyed going to the pub, but Oli did get upset every single time because there’s no such thing as a standard pint in NZ. Instead, you normally order a glass (small) or a handle (large), and these could be any size. I’m not sure if he’s going to complain more or less when he has to deal with U.S. pints soon…

You’d better bring your ID if you’re buying vegetables as it seems there’s such a thing in NZ as age-restricted carrots 😂 Ok, ok, I think this might have been a glitch at the self-checkout machine, but it really made us laugh! The staff might not have asked for ID for the carrots in the end, but they were extremely strict about checking when we bought wine…but we’ll take that as a compliment.

Cars are king in NZ. And not just any cars, but the bigger the better, which did seem somewhat at odds with NZ’s eco credentials. This drove us absolutely mad – many places were totally inaccessible without our own wheels and the idea that we would want to rely on walking or public transportation was met with puzzlement more than once. We thought this was really interesting because NZ seemed so similar to Europe in most other respects.

Buses are few and far between, but if you do manage to get on one, then you’ll probably be treated to a free tour guide commentary from the driver. Honestly, we learnt so much from them chatting away on the tannoy as they drove along, pointing out things like local landmarks, notable viewpoints, where we’d find the highest point on the road, braided rivers, interesting wildlife, conservation projects, which small towns have the best pies… NZ bus drivers must be the friendliest anywhere in the world! Well, all except for Brian. But we loved him anyway.

There’s obviously a lot of wildlife to be celebrated in NZ, and we really enjoyed the sheer variety of animal warning signs we saw, often in the most unlikely suburban streets.

We were really blown away by New Zealand and its been great to fulfil a long-held dream to visit. It’s a very long way away, but we’d heartily recommend it to anyone who finds themselves in the area! We’re very sad to leave, but excited to be planning our next chapter of travel, and more on this in the next post…

Auckland strikes back

We returned to Auckland on a trusty InterCity coach, and while these aren’t exactly tour buses, I’ve come to appreciate the freestyle commentary that some of the drivers take great pride in imparting along the route. Today’s driver Brian, however, gave by far the longest and most irrelevant spiel of all, which covered topics such as: yesterday’s weather, the seat belt configuration on buses other than the one on which we were riding, and how to load luggage on to subsequent connecting buses. He did his best to maintain order and keep to schedule on a very busy route, but we could tell Brian had accepted that some things were just beyond his control. This was summed up perfectly when a couple of guys arrived to board the coach just as it was pulling away, and Brian spent the next five minutes chastising them over the tannoy. To be fair to Brian, he wasn’t visibly angry, you could tell by the tone of his voice he was very disappointed. The irony of his next lengthy tirade about how we shouldn’t take phone calls on the bus in case we disrupted fellow passengers was not lost on any of us.

Having a second shot at Auckland gave us the time to visit some sights that were further afield and that we didn’t manage to squeeze into our first visit. The first of these was the suburb of Devonport, located on a spit of land opposite downtown Auckland and easily reached via a short ferry. The suburb itself looks like a very comfortable place to live, with the perfect balance of quiet local life and proximity to the city centre. We enjoyed strolling the sunny streets and browsing the shops, before settling down at Corelli’s for brunch. Here, Sara enjoyed a generous helping of bacon and creamy mushrooms on wholegrain toast, which has swooped in and stolen the top spot on her list of NZ brunches.

Just behind Devonport is Mount Victoria, which is quite an impressive-sounding name for a 66m hill. Still, it occupies a great vantage point over Auckland’s harbour and has long been used as a defensive fort, first by the Māori and later by European settlers. Today, the hill functions as a public park, so we joined in with what most other Devonporters seemed to be doing, and climbed it in an attempt to work off our brunch. It was a little breezy at the top, in case you can’t tell!

Having been feeling a little under the weather since arriving in Auckland, I took our first day to recover while Sara went out for dinner alone. She returned with such rave reviews of the Ramen joint across from our hotel that I was keen to make it my recovery dinner, meaning Sara had to eat there two days running. I could tell it must have been really good as she didn’t seem at all upset at the prospect! As well as offering a traditional tonkotsu (pork bone broth) ramen, this place also specialises in sesame ramen, which we both tried. This turned out to be a deliciously rich and salty broth – the kind where the first mouthful makes your tastebuds dance, but by the last mouthful you’re totally defeated.

We also failed to visit Auckland Domain’s Winter Garden on our last visit, having previously arrived too late in the day. This time, things were different (by luck rather than skill!), and we enjoyed a lovely stroll around two beautiful glass houses and a fernery.

It felt very fitting to end our nearly two-month trip to New Zealand in the same city in which we arrived. Auckland really grew on us too, I think helped by better weather and staying in a more central location on our second visit. Having said that, Auckland still felt worlds away from the rest of the country, and couldn’t have been more of a contrast to the desert-like mountains of Central Otago or the wild west coast of the South Island. We were very sad to say goodbye, but as always, excited about the next leg.

Time travelling to the 1930s in Napier

We arrived in sunny Napier by coach from Wellington, and started to make our way towards our apartment on foot.

It’s always a bad sign when the map resembles one of those curly mazes on the back of a cereal box, with none of the roads leading in the direction we wanted to go. The shortest route took us through Tiffen Park, which sounded lovely until we realised this was more like scaling a cliff face than a walk in the park. Then our route took us downhill again. And then up again. And a couple more ups and downs as we got lost explored the Bluff Hill neighbourhood thoroughly. We were exhausted by the time we arrived at our apartment!

We stopped multiple times on the way up Tiffen Park’s hill, ostensibly to “admire the view” across the town below

Napier is pretty unique in its consistent Art Deco style, having been almost entirely rebuilt following a devastating earthquake and resulting fire that hit the city in 1931. Instead of relocating, Napier’s residents chose to stay, and instead of recreating the past, they took the opportunity to embrace modernity. The city was rebuilt in just a few short years, and was briefly known as the world’s most modern city as a result. Walking around Napier felt like we’d time-travelled back to the 1930s, only with modern businesses inhabiting the tastefully restored buildings. After a slightly disappointing trip to Ranfurly (another town known for its Art Deco architecture) while cycling the Otago Central Rail Trail, we didn’t have particularly high hopes for Napier, but this time there were beautiful examples everywhere we turned. Our walking tour alone had over 70 stops on it, and this was just scratching the surface!

The vast majority of shopfronts were decorated in bright colours with graphical motifs, bold columns and often carried the name of the original business owner just below the roof. We diligently followed our self-guided walking tour around the city, and learned that many of the buildings had taken inspiration from Frank Lloyd Wright, a highly successful American architect, which explained why the city seemed to have a slightly American twist.

That afternoon, we hired a tandem with a plan to cycle around the peninsula to the suburb of Ahuriri to round off our architecture tour at its star building – the National Tobacco Company Building. Billed as “the region’s Art Deco masterpiece”, we were slightly underwhelmed at its rather rundown appearance. To be honest, our reaction might have been partly due to the fallout from our recent traversal of Ahuriri’s one way system – I’d made a surprise emergency stop and unintentionally tipped Sara off the tandem and into a gutter while giving way, which irked her slightly for some reason. We later returned to Napier’s seafront via a second trip to the gutter on the opposite side of the one way system, before ducking into an Irish pub to repair our relationship.

That evening, we headed out to Vinci’s Pizza for dinner. The pizzeria is housed in a building with a beautiful wooden and glass frontage, very similar to the music shop next door (pictured below). Here we ordered a giant (18 inch) sourdough pizza, because we’d agreed that it’s better to over-order and have leftovers than under-order and be hungry. Still, you can probably see where this is going, and obviously we rose to the challenge and finished the whole thing. So full were we that we nearly didn’t make it back up Bluff Hill to our apartment.

The following morning, we woke to stunning sunshine and the sound of birds singing in the trees outside. One of the neighbourhood cats promptly arrived at our door, pleading to be let in so she could join us for breakfast. We totally would have let her in if we hadn’t had specific instructions NOT TO ALLOW THE CAT IN UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Where’s the fun in that?!

With some time to kill before our onward bus to the geothermal hotspot of Rotorua, we spent the morning enjoying the sunshine in the elegantly named Clive Square. This was a charming place to spend time, especially with musical backing from the park’s Carillon (musical bells), which played four tunes twice an hour. Apparently the melodies change regularly, and feature a mix of nursery rhymes, seasonal tunes and popular songs.

At midday we boarded our bus towards Rotorua. As we exited Napier, we saw first hand the damage and destruction left by floods that hit the region in February 2023 after Cyclone Gabrielle. Whole vineyards had been destroyed, buildings had been gutted, railway banks had been washed away, leaving rails and sleepers suspended in mid-air, hundreds of trees had been relocated, and huge piles of silt had been deposited downstream. While the state of emergency has ended, it was clear that the repair effort was still very much underway. It was shocking to see the level of damage, but if the 1931 earthquake response is anything to go by, the region will come back even stronger than before and we’re wishing them well.