Black water rafting through Waitomo’s glowworm caves

From Auckland, we took a 2.5-hour coach to the village of Waitomo. For context, pretty much the only road-based public transport around New Zealand is provided by InterCity buses, the NZ equivalent of the UK’s National Express. Using these buses felt so straightforward compared to much of our transport across Asia. For example, our bus tickets had both the address and a Google Maps link of the departure location – in some places in SE Asia, we were given only the name of the city and were left to work out the rest ourselves!

Almost everyone who visits Waitomo is here to see one thing – the Glowworm Caves. However, arriving in Waitomo village was one thing, but getting to the meeting point for our glowworm cave tour was quite another. The meeting point was inexplicably 10 km out of town, and with no public transport links, we were faced with either a 3.5 hour walk on a busy highway or a 150 NZD (Β£75) taxi fare. After all three of us had spent hours trying desperately to find a better plan, the rafting company took pity on us and agreed to give us a lift. Phew! It turns out that trying to tour NZ on public transport isn’t quite as easy as we’d thought!

The cave-dwelling glowworms are mysterious creatures. They spend the majority of their existence in larvae form attached to the roof of pitch black caves, where they catch flies to eat and use the resulting energy to produce a cocoon and a faint green glow. When they finally emerge from their cocoons, they have a single day to mate, having been born without a mouth (no street food for them!). Still, it’s the light that they give off that we were here to see, but for that, we needed to get kitted up.

Our caving attire began with a full wetsuit, a jacket and special wetsuit socks. We then accessorised the outfit with a helmet, a head torch, and white rubber boots to complete the look. Putting on a wet and cold wetsuit is never an elegant process, which was good preparation, as it turns out that there’s nothing elegant about caving either. We spent the next hour crawling through tiny passages in the cave to reach an underground river.

Eventually, we reached the river and spent some time climbing, wading and floating through it, until we reached a waterfall. We were instructed that the best way to get over the waterfall was by jumping backwards off it and into our rubber rings. This took a real leap of faith (thankfully helped by our guide giving us a good shove to get us on our way), and ensured there was no turning back. We then floated through the cave, at times forming a “human eel” by holding on to each other’s boots to form a long chain. Finally, our guide challenged us to turn off our head torches and float our way out of the caves in the pitch black, using only the glowworms as a guide to the exit. The whole thing was both exhilarating and magical, and Sara was delighted to tick this off her NZ must-see list, even if she doesn’t look it in the picture below!

We weren’t allowed to take phones or cameras with us, but the guides generously snapped hundreds of photos as we gradually made our way through the cave. However, only three photos ever appeared on the online portal, but they just so happened to be of the three of us. I feel for the other members of our group who only have these super-flattering photos by which to remember their experience!

The following day, we took a walk along the Waitomo Walkway through the lush countryside surrounding the caves. The scenery looked just like something from The Lord of the Rings, which I guess is unsurprising given that most of the filming took place here in New Zealand.

The route wasn’t exactly full of obstacles, although we did come across an ingenious style of gate that we’d never seen before. It took a little investigation before we figured out how to use it, as demonstrated expertly by Mario.

After just 24 hours in Waitomo village, we continued south into the Tongariro National Park, home to three huge and active (!) volcanos.

Our first taste of New Zealand in Auckland

We reunited with Mario over an eggs and sourdough brunch at a cafe on the famous Karangahape Road near our apartment. The food was a massive departure from what we’ve been eating over the past few months but it made us really excited – we’d read that NZ had great food and this was a strong start! You’ll just have to imagine that our plates are full in the picture below because we demolished them way too quickly for a photo.

Anyway, now seems like a good time to introduce Mario, one of Oli’s good friends and old colleagues who has used his (self-imposed) annual allowance of one long haul flight to join us for a month’s travel around NZ. He is into sustainable energy, low carbon travel, cats, hiking, and loves a good train or two, so he fits right in! While living in Berlin, he’s been working on a Restaurant World Tour, eating along with our travels at restaurants that serve the national cuisines of countries we’ve passed through on our trip – dedication!

We began our time together in Auckland with a walking tour to get a feel for the city, and found it to be full of handsome buildings, parks, and charming shopping arcades. Our walk ended at Viaduct Harbour, where a well-timed downpour gave us the perfect excuse to sample our first NZ wine and craft beers.

We then watched the sunset from the top of Auckland Domain, a large park that wraps around Pukekawa, an ancient volcano in the centre of the city.

The next morning, we caught the bus to Cornwall Park and climbed the 186-metre volcanic cone of One Tree Hill (which, contrary to popular belief, has more than one tree at the top – at least until 2026, when the last tree standing is due to be crowned in what the Lonely Planet describes as an “arboreal version of the X-Factor”). After a beautiful start to the day, it had clouded over by the time we reached the summit, but we still had a great view over the city and the sea on both sides. Being New Zealand, as well as standing on a volcano, we could also see several more on the horizon – after all, Auckland is built on 53 of them, not all extinct!

Our next stop was lunch, and we headed to the hipster enclave of Ponsonby, which was full of cafes, arty boutiques and beautiful people. It was also home to the Ponsonby Food Court, which I’d heard about on a podcast and was excited to visit. Unsurprisingly, we already miss Southeast Asian food, so we gravitated towards Thai (Oli and Mario) and Vietnamese food (me) for lunch.

Our guidebook also suggested that Ponsonby was a good place to get a feel for the city outside the commercial centre and to see some of the Victorian and Edwardian villas in the area. So, in a thinly veiled attempt at cat spotting, we set off for a wander. The villas were really beautiful and ornate wooden affairs and the area looked like a thoroughly nice place to live. More importantly, though, it didn’t take long before Mario spotted NZ cat number one behind a picket fence, although the cat seemed less pleased to see us peering over at him than we were to see him!

When the heavens opened, we headed for Auckland’s Museum of Transport and Technology. It soon became apparent that this was mostly aimed at children (particularly being the Easter holidays), but there was enough geeky stuff there split over two sites to keep us occupied for some time.

My favourite exhibit at the first site was this VW Beetle (below). At first glance, it might look unremarkable, but it had been on a grand adventure – twice! In 1961, Ivan and Beth Hodge drove it from where they were living in London to their home country of New Zealand on their honeymoon, crossing the USSR and the Middle East to India, where they took a container ship home to New Zealand. In 1996, they celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary by doing it all over again! It sounded like an absolutely epic adventure.

When it was time to travel between the two museum sites, we hopped on a heritage tram to make the 2 km journey. Here, surrounded by children on their Easter holidays, Oli and Mario tried (and failed) to play it cool at the prospect of riding on one of their favourite modes of transport.

At the second site was the aviation hall, where we saw a wide range of military aircraft, flying boats, and civilian aircraft. While I always love a flying boat (second photo), I think my favourite exhibit was the Lockheed 10A Electra (third photo). Not only did it have a very snazzy paintjob, it was also the first aircraft to run regular domestic services in New Zealand, during which time it was a handy timekeeper for farm workers under the flight path near Auckland: when it passed overhead at midday they knew it was time for lunch, and the returning flight from Wellington signalled time for afternoon milking!

This concluded our brief first visit to Auckland (we’ll be back at the end of May, when we’re due to fly to the United States). We liked the city a lot, but it felt very strange to be somewhere so far from home but so familiar – perhaps a little too comfortable? But anyway, we didn’t travel to New Zealand for its largest city, so we were soon on our way to visit some creatures far more elusive at home: the glowworms of Waitomo Caves!

Singapore round up πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¬ (and NZ plans πŸ‡³πŸ‡Ώ)

Singapore is the first country we’ve visited in which we stayed in a single location. Still, in that time we managed to eat our bodyweight in Kaya toast, Indian food and satay in celebration of our last stop in Southeast Asia.

Carbon πŸš†

In Singapore, we travelled less distance than anywhere else on our trip (which makes sense, since it’s nearly 4000 times smaller than Kazakhstan, for instance!), so our carbon footprint was minimal.

Public transport in Singapore is quick, clean and affordable, which also helped keep our emissions low. In fact, public transport is so good that riding the city’s Mass Rapid Transit ranks as #5 on TripAdvisor’s list of top attractions in Singapore!

Cost πŸ’°

Singapore felt surprisingly expensive relative to Kuala Lumpur, its respective capital in Malaysia, which is only a few hours away by car. Our expenditure was driven primarily by accommodation costs, which was responsible for nearly two thirds of our total spend in Singapore. This was a bit of a shock to the system after a couple of months of very affordable travel in the rest of Southeast Asia, but probably also a good introduction to the higher costs we’ll experience in the next chapter of our journey…

Cats 🐈

Singapore came in dead last, with 1.33 cats per day πŸ™ We kept trying to justify this by saying that we were in the middle of a sprawling urban area, but then again, think of Istanbul

πŸ…Sleepiest spiritual leader

Sara’s already raved about the Temple Cats of Singapore, but we think this is a religion we could get on board with! This affable and sleepy chap definitely deserves an award.

Illegal behaviour ❌ 🐦 🍽 🐱

Singapore is famous for its draconian attitude toward cleanliness, which stretches to issuing steep fines for chewing gum or bringing a durian on public transport. However, we were a little more surprised to see signs that threatened fines of up to 10,000 SGD (approximately 6000 GBP) for feeding a pigeon. What would the Singaporean authorities think of Trafalgar Square?! Other activities that risked a fine included not clearing your table at a hawker centre, or simply being a dog, cat and bird in specific public areas πŸ˜”. Then again, our friend the temple cat was asleep right next to a sign banning cats, and no one seemed to be issuing him with a fine.

As our Southeast Asia chapter comes to an end, our New Zealand chapter is about to begin. We plan to fly to Auckland where we’ll meet my good friend Mario, before spending a month hiking, cycling and eating our way down to Stuart Island in the far south. We’re hoping to complete the majority of the north-south journey by bus and train (no mean feat in a country with limited rural public transportation), although I’m aware that we might need to hire a car to get around some of the more remote parts of the south island. After Mario’s departure, we have a further three weeks to travel north back to Auckland, during which we hope to fill in the gaps of things we missed on the way down.

We’re ridiculously excited to be moving onto the land of kiwis, mountains and Tim Tam Slams!