Lazy day in Piran

We woke up to another beautiful morning – our last in Piran, and had our breakfast in the garden. We’d been told the day before that we would be the only guests, and it was lovely! It was really peaceful sitting in the shade. We checked out for our last stroll around the town, but left our bags in the B&B – our bus was not until 4.25pm. First, we took a coastal path we’d seen the day before down to a rocky and quiet beach on the other side of the headland. We spent the morning sitting on big rocks with our toes in the lovely clear water and admiring the views. We think we could see all the way into Italy.

As we were so impressed by yesterday’s pizza, we went back for lunch, convincing ourselves it was just because we needed to fill up before our late-ish bus journey. It was another delicious meal, Oli had bolognese pizza and Sara had vegetarian. Yummy! The sun was still shining and it was really hot so we decided against going into the aquarium or the museum. Instead, we spent an extremely lazy afternoon wandering the promenade and sunbathing, waiting for our bus.

At 3.30pm, we went to get our bags from the B&B and had a bit of a panic when no one answered the door! A long five minutes later, the lady arrived to our great relief. In the end, we retrieved our bags in plenty of time and began an anxious wait for our bus – there was only one daily so we accosted every bus driver we could possibly find to make sure we didn’t miss it. After all the worry, we found it with no problems at all as it was clearly labelled, unlike some of the others. We hopped aboard and began our two and a half hour bus ride, which was a little warmer than we would have liked. Sara was feeling quite poorly, so Oli was on full fanning duty. After arriving in Rovinj, we took a while to find our bearings, but using our hand-written directions we got to our B&B even though there were no road signs anywhere! We were greeted with a very warm welcome, and discovered we’d been given a two-bedroom apartment complete with kitchen, lounge and huge bathroom rather than the double room we’d booked. Very nice! We were both pretty tired (somehow, despite our lazy day), so we had a quick dinner by the marina and then an early night.

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