First day in Rovinj

We started the day with another big breakfast, and Sara managed to start on lunch too by accidentally eating a spinach and feta pastry that was masquerading as a pain au raisin…whoops! We then left in search of one of the ‘best beaches in Istria’, as described by a newspaper article we’d read before our trip. The coastline was beautiful but we were disappointed by the total lack of actual beach or anywhere to lie down. The coves it described were literally metres deep and often shady, so we continued to walk round the headland and found ourselves some flat rocks to settle on. We had a quick paddle (S) and full on swim (O) as well as a quiet time reading in the sun. After a few hours of relaxation, we started to get hungry so headed back to town to find some food. The restaurants around the marina were so touristy and could have been anywhere, so we weren’t keen to stop and it took two circuits to decide on a restaurant, which was still really disappointing. We both had pasta dishes and Sara had a long-dead insect in her drink, so we didn’t linger long. We stopped again soon after to cheer ourselves up with ice cream sundaes. Sara chose a ‘Malaga cup’ hoping to get something akin to a caramel sundae as the picture suggested, but she ended up with something very rummy. It was tasty, but she felt a bit tipsy afterwards! Oli’s was also a surprise – he’d picked a strawberry ‘spaghetti cup’, but found banana ice cream lurking at the bottom…yuck!

Wanting to get away from the touristy marina, we picked up supplies from a supermarket for the next day and walked back to the B&B for a siesta. We went for dinner at a restaurant recommended by our nice (but slightly eccentric) B&B lady. This was much more successful! We ate inside surrounded by ‘treasures’, which were bits and bobs of every description – such as clocks, guitars, old ship compasses, teddy bears etc…and had much friendlier service.

After our meal we stepped outside and were nearly run over by three hilarious and drunken men on fold-up bicycles who wobbled and swerved their way down the cobbled streets, which really made us laugh! We had a quick wander round the lovely quiet back streets but soon headed home for bed.

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