Trundling to Ljubljana

We boarded our train in Budapest at 2pm with no problems finding our seats. We were thrilled that we seemed to have a compartment of six seats to ourselves, but couldn’t quite relax as we knew that someone could join us at any time (although later on, we realised that there was barely anyone on the train!) Anyway, it made for a really comfortable journey with lots of space.

We started on our packed lunch and found that Oli’s strawberry yoghurt had exploded, so Sara was very proud she’d thought to put it in a plastic bag! Later on, Sara napped while Oli continued to read his new copy of Marley and Me, which had him laughing lots and reading out extracts whenever Sara opened her eyes.

The weather was beautiful and Hungary was too, so we both spent a good amount of the journey gazing out of the window. The food we’d packed also had to last us for dinner too, so it was good that we’d bought bread, crackers, cheese triangles (one pack of many), Pombears, yoghurt, Haribo and lots of chocolate! As it started to get dark, we crossed the border to Slovenia and discovered that we had to move onto a different train, which was a bit of a surprise. We grabbed all of our things in a hurry and narrowly avoided forgetting Oli’s beloved trainers. The new train was just the same, and we drew the curtains which made it so cosy and feel like a bit of an adventure!

We arrived in Ljubljana about 11.30pm and found our hotel easily after a short walk. It was nice, simple, modern and clean, and we were really relieved to get to bed after a long day of travelling.

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