Prague Castle

Sara woke with a sore throat and feeling a bit under the weather, but it was a beautiful day so we headed out for some sightseeing after a lovely buffet breakfast. We walked uphill to the enormous castle complex just in time to see the changing of the guard and a band playing – excellent timing, but it was very crowded. We bought our tickets and took ourselves on a whistle-stop tour of what the castle had to offer, including a cathedral, palaces, and a basilica. We enjoyed what we saw, but really noticed that things weren’t as well-preserved or restored as we would have expected. Before long, Sara had really had enough and needed a rest, so after sitting in the sun with all of Prague below us for a little while, we went back to the hotel for the afternoon. On the way back, we bought guilty-pleasure Subway sandwiches to cheer ourselves up! 

While Sara napped, Oli headed out on his own adventure to search for an English-language bookshop to buy a book about renewable energy to keep him occupied on our train journeys.  He realised later that he went to the wrong street, so no wonder no one seemed to know what he was talking about when he asked for Big Ben.  They must have thought he’d mistaken Prague for London!

After a good rest, we went out for dinner at a pizzeria again recommended by the Lonely Planet. The building didn’t look like much from the entrance, but the restaurant was in the cellar and the pizzas were massive and yummy.

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