Bamberg to Prague

We arrived at Bamberg station with our packed lunch raring to get on our next train only to find that it was delayed, which was a bit of a worry. It was only 15 minutes late but we had a connection to make and that was enough to make us miss it. When the train did arrive, it was another comfortable ICE train and we soon discovered from the conductor that our connection was being held at Nüremberg for us. It was a bit of a surprise to discover that we would be travelling the rest of the way to Prague by road and not by rail as we had assumed from our train tickets! Anyway, it was no problem; the coach was comfortable and we arrived at Prague Hlavni station at about 4.30pm. 

We then spent about an hour in the station trying to get currency, a map and to find our bearings. Finally we were on our way and walked to our hotel, which was no short distance with our backpacks! It was worth the walk, though. We were slightly sceptical because the hotel reviews on TripAdvisor were great, but it seemed so cheap. However, it was a very comfortable and stylish hotel and we loved it straight away (and excitedly took lots of pictures – it was way above the standard of our other accommodation so far!) 

Shaken, not stirred

After getting settled in, we headed out to dinner at another restaurant recommended by the Lonely Planet. On our way, we stumbled across the Charles Bridge and Oli was very excited to see lots of places that had featured in Mission Impossible. We had an excellent al fresco dinner overlooking the river and with an amazing view of Prague by night.  We ended our successful travel day with our daily dose of German MTV before heading to bed.

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