Keeping Portland weird

Hawaii had felt like a bit of a cultural slap in the face after relaxed NZ, but we felt much more at home as soon as we arrived in Portland, a city known for being independent, progressive and quirky. Portlanders may have borrowed their unofficial city slogan (Keep Portland weird) from Austin, TX, but it certainly does seem to fit here.

We were staying in the artsy Alberta neighbourhood, which we liked immediately. The houses had incredible curb appeal and the residential streets were leafy and quiet, but the main street had a great buzz, with independent grocers, cafes, craft beer bars, and tempting homeware shops. It wasn’t overly gentrified, though, and definitely retained a sense of Portland’s ‘weirdness’, with every available surface plastered in flyers and lots of street art around. It also felt fiercely inclusive, with prominent signs on nearly every business making it very clear that anyone was welcome here.

As soon as Mum and Dad arrived, via a flight to Seattle, a very long-winded airport experience and a slow drive south, we headed straight out to NE Alberta Street to check out some of Portland’s famous food carts. Mum and Dad were planning to stay home, but then we mentioned beer and bluegrass and it didn’t take long for them to change their minds! It felt like a strong start on Portland’s food scene – we found a Senegalese food cart selling some of my favourites, which was a blast from the past (I visited Senegal in 2006, ate amazing food and have been struggling to find anywhere that sells it ever since). I washed my chicken yassa (barbequed chicken with a lemony caramelised onion sauce) down with a beer from Conscious Sedation, and we all settled down to watch the Tuesday night bluegrass jam that was unfolding. Overall, an evening very well spent!

The next morning, we headed to Nob Hill in Northwest Portland to explore further. Just like in Alberta, we found lots of independent businesses, attractive houses and a really cosy neighbourhood feel. This contrasted with the Downtown area and the Pearl District, which still had a lovely mix of architectural styles but felt much rougher around the edges, with some buildings empty and shops boarded up.

It was a pretty warm day and, as usual, we walked much further than planned, so an ice cream pitstop at Portland-legendary Salt and Straw was a must. I asked everyone to rate their orders but I foolishly let them all come up with their own avatars and scoring systems, so make of the below what you will!

👾 Oli: Lemon curd and whey (B+)
🐕 Dad: Double fold vanilla (7.5/10)
🍷 Mum: ½ Lemon curd and whey, ½ Chocolate gooey brownie (5/6)
🐱 Me: Cinnamon snickerdoodle (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Look at those happy faces! 🍦

Next, we headed down to the river to see whether there was any evidence of the Rose Festival, about which we’d received some baffling recommendations from a pair of Portland locals we’d chatted to in Hawaii. “Oh, it’s the Rose Festival!” they said, “So there will be lots of ships in town.” We tried to clarify what was the link between roses and naval ships, but it was clearly so blindingly obvious to them that they couldn’t even find a way to explain. To be honest, we’re still none the wiser!

Anyway, other than a closed funfair and lots of fencing, we couldn’t see much evidence of festivities (to be fair, it was a Wednesday afternoon), but Oli had found out that a Canadian naval ship was due to arrive in the afternoon. This meant that the Steel Bridge would need to be raised, and we wanted to see this for ourselves as we’d read that the levels telescoped into one another, which sounded unlikely but very cool! Unfortunately, by the time we arrived, the Canadian ship was safely moored on the dock, so we missed any bridge action. I think the ship probably arrived while we were gorging on ice cream, though, so it’s hard to be too regretful…

The Steel Bridge: trams, bicycles, cars and pedestrians travel along the top tier, and trains run along the bottom level. It’s a busy bridge!

All in all, we didn’t have much luck at the Rose Festival, but thankfully the International Rose Test Garden was more of a hit (Portland is famous for its roses, if you’re wondering why all the rose-themed attractions). This garden sits on a hillside in Washington Park and acts as a test bed for new rose varieties, with more than 600 types on display at any time. To be totally honest, I normally think that roses are a bit overrated (I’m a daffs girl! 🌼), but this garden was pretty impressive. I guess we’d caught it right at the peak of the flowering season, and many of the bushes were absolutely laden with blooms. I’m not sure my photos do it justice at all – it was beautiful!

That evening, Mum and Dad were in charge of our dinner plans, having arrived in Portland with a food wish list courtesy of their pre-departure Netflix research of Somebody Feed Phil. We were only too happy to be dragged along on their mission to Prost Marketplace, another pod of street food carts, because it sounded absolutely delicious! Oli and I hedged bets by sharing a Methi Mirchi Shrimp bowl from DesiPDX and chopped brisket with pinto beans from Matt’s BBQ. Both were delicious – the prawns were juicy, smoky and salty, and paired beautifully with the pumpkin seed pilau rice and unexpectedly fiery coriander chutney, and the brisket tasted just as good as it looked. For me, though, the BBQ pinto beans were undoubtedly the star of the show. Meanwhile, Dad went for sliced Texas BBQ brisket, which looked sensational. When I asked Mum what cuisine she was eating (from Native Bowl), all she could tell me was that it was vegan and contained beans! But I am reliably informed that it was great, so happy bellies all round. We rounded off the night with some excellent German beers from Prost.

Portland was right up our street – I’m pretty sure that anywhere that’s famous for street food, craft beer and coffee will always be a hit with us. But we reluctantly tore ourselves away from the food scene and set our sights on the journey to the Olympic Peninsula, in the far northwest of the lower 48 states.

Swimming with sea turtles on O’ahu, Hawaii

When we read that 79% of hotel rooms in O’ahu are located in Waikiki, the holiday neighbourhood of Honolulu, we confidently assumed that we would stay somewhere else on the island, perhaps a rustic seaside shack on an undiscovered beach. Reality soon set in and we realised that we had neither the budget or the forward planning to make this possible, so Waikiki it was to be! While this isn’t exactly our usual style, it did mean that we were right in the action, with Waikiki Beach, literally hundreds of restaurants and food trucks, and superb people-watching opportunities within a stone’s throw of our apartment.

Waikiki’s mass tourism was quite the contrast to New Zealand, which seemed very peaceful in comparison. It wasn’t just the population density either, as almost everyone in Waikiki is on holiday, which produces a vibe that I can only describe as Vegas-meets-Rio. It took us a few days to settle in and really appreciate the Americana, but we soon got into the swing of things. For instance, we dropped into The Cheesecake Factory for lunch, and found the portions so large that Sara stretched her burrito, beans and salad to cover both lunch and dinner!

Can you see the fear in her eyes?!

It took the best part of two days on the beach watching the tanned surfers and picture-perfect sunsets before our feet started to itch. We were keen to see a bit more of Oʻahu, Hawaii’s most populous island, which we explored through three separate excursions…

Excursion 1: Hiking to the summit of Diamond Head

Waikiki beach is bound at one end by Diamond Head, a dormant volcanic cone, which affords awesome views across the city and bay. Having read that this was a “steep and strenuous” hike, we donned our walking boots and set off. And when I say set off, I mean from our apartment in Waikiki, which was a good 5.5 km scurry (of course we were running late for our timed entry) up to the visitor centre and trailhead, located in the centre of the volcano’s crater.

Arriving at the visitor centre, it became clear that we were the only people who had brought our walking boots to Hawaii. Everyone else was in trainers and sports gear, and we stuck out like a pair of sore thumbs. So much so that I even heard someone say “it’s because they’re European” when I passed them on the left side of the footpath (instead of the conventional right), but I was only letting someone with a walking stick use the side of the path with the hand rail! I was still fuming from this interaction a few minutes later when I realised that of course most of Europe also drives (and passes people) on the right, so really, the joke was on them!

From the visitor centre, we climbed the remaining 171 m of elevation to Lookout Point, with our walking boots providing excellent traction against the steep and strenuous gradient. We arrived at the summit to stunning views across the bay and city from the WW2 battery, which had been built to make use of the natural vantage point to defend O’ahu’s coastline (although it had never fired a shot in anger).

We were famished by the time we headed back towards Waikiki, so we bent our route around the Rainbow Drive-In, an iconic Waikiki institution serving up plate lunches. This is a quintessentially Hawaiian meal, which combines Japanese white rice with American comfort food, and is accompanied by side of coleslaw or macaroni salad. We went for Shoyu (soy sauce) chicken and Kalua (island style) pork, and although neither plate was much to look at, they were exactly what we needed to get us the remaining few kilometres home after our hot 11 km hike.

Excursion 2: The sunken history of Pearl Harbor

No visit to O’ahu would be complete without a trip to Pearl Harbor. It was here that 353 Imperial Japanese aircraft carried out a surprise attack in 1941, causing huge loss of life and damage to the US Air Base and Pacific fleet. The raid was hugely successful in inflicting damage and undoubtedly changed the course of history; but rather than preventing the then-neutral USA from entering the war as intended, it resulted in the USA declaring war on the Empire of Japan, Nazi Germany and Italy.

We took a public bus from Waikiki to the Pearl Harbor visitor centre, and a US Navy shuttle ferry over to the sunken USS Arizona battleship in the middle of the harbour. A solemn white memorial sits directly above the submerged battleship, which rests in the same location as at the time of the attack, over 80 years ago. The battleship’s ammunition magazine received a direct hit during the bombing raid, and the resulting explosion was responsible for the loss of 1,177 of its officers and crewmen, many of whom are still entombed within the battleship today.

You can just about make out the outline of the USS Arizona on Google Maps satellite view if you zoom in.

Visiting the memorial was a sombre experience, and following our visit we were in need of both some mood repair and sustenance. This came in the form of a sandwich from the memorial cafe, which Sara tried to liven up with a little sachet of mustard. Our sandwiches soon drew the attention of some cute little birds, who gained in confidence and hopped closer with every bite we took. Sara tried to waft them away with her hand when they got too close for comfort, and unintentionally flicked a big blob of mustard in their direction. Presumably thinking it was their lucky day, one little bird must have had the shock of his life when he gave it a taste. It didn’t put the poor fellow off, though!

Sara fending off the tiny birds

In the afternoon, we took a shuttle bus into the active military base on Ford Island to board the USS Missouri. This battleship is best known as the site of Japanese surrender while it was moored in Tokyo Bay, thereby ending the Second World War. Today, it is permanently moored in Pearl Harbor and has been turned into a floating museum. Although the battleship wasn’t commissioned until after the raid on Pearl Harbor, it did serve in the Pacific Theatre during the war. In fact, it still bears a battle scar or two, including a dent where a Japanese kamikaze pilot struck the side of the hull and bounced off – the bomb it was carrying having failed to explode on impact. We learned more about other kamikaze missions in the onboard museum and read a few of the terribly sad letters that the Japanese pilots had written to their families, knowing they were about to embark on their final mission.

Excursion 3: Swimming with sea turtles on Laniakia Beach

Eager to see as much of the island as possible, we hired a car for a day and departed Waikiki on a mini road trip. Always on the look out for opportunities to reduce our carbon footprint, I spotted a great deal on a mystery electric car, which turned out to be a Tesla Model 3.

We put our foot down and headed straight for Kualoa Regional Park, a huge strip of parkland that meets the ocean at a narrow sandy beach. The bay affords excellent views of Mokoli’i Island, which is also slightly questionably referred to as the Chinaman’s Hat (for its almost perfectly conical shape). We preferred our new name of the Wizard’s Hat.

We continued on to Hakuku on the North Shore with lunch in mind, having read about a legendary shrimp truck called Giovanni’s. The truck was actually located next to six or so other food trucks that also looked great, but Giovanni’s had by far the longest queue so we knew we were on to a winner. We hedged our bets between a plate of hot and spicy shrimp and a plate of garlic butter shrimp, each of which came with two healthy balls of rice and a slice of lemon. Eating the shrimp was a messy business, as much of the sauce was on the outside of the un-shelled shrimp, but the flavour more than made up for the mess.

We broke the journey back to Waikiki with a stop at Laniakia Beach, where we’d heard we might see a sea turtle or two while snorkelling, if we were lucky. Sara grabbed a snorkel and headed out into the shallows, but with poor visibility in the sea, didn’t find much at first. However, while looking out for a turtle the size of a fist, you can imagine her surprise when a giant turtle swam right underneath her. Slightly panicked, she surfaced only for a turtle conservation volunteer to call out to her, “Ma’am, there’s a turtle, like, right behind you!” Overwhelmed, Sara clambered up the beach for a sit down, only to pass a couple more on the sand and rocks between the shore and her towel. We certainly didn’t expect it to be quite so easy to spot them – even the smallest were the size of dustbin lids! After this, I didn’t even bother going into the water – there was no need!

On our way back to drop the hire car, we finally found out why we got such a good deal on our electric car – it was nearly impossible to recharge the thing. We attempted four different charging stations before finally having some success. We ended up charging it at a slow charger while we ate dinner in a very uninspiring strip-mall, but even then, we had to wait a further 45 minutes for it to reach enough charge to avoid a penalty fee when we returned the car. Knowing this, we unplugged with just enough charge in the battery, then drove very tentatively to drop off the car. We avoided a penalty with just 1% to spare, not bad!

I’m not sure how O’ahu ended up in a situation where there are too many Teslas on the road for the number of superchargers, but it made for a slightly stressful ending to our road trip. On top of this, I’ve since learned that Hawaii’s electricity is generated largely by petrol-fired power stations, so I’m not sure that electric vehicles are much better for the environment than petrol vehicles anyway. Still, it was at least encouraging to see demand for electric vehicles, even if the infrastructure has some way to go to match it.

We rounded off our stay on O’ahu by watching a free firework display above Waikiki Beach and the lagoon. We’d really enjoyed having plenty of time to relax in Hawaii, partly due to a miscalculation related to the International Date Line. If we’d had even more time (and the ferry was still running!), we would have loved to explore “The Big Island” of Hawaii and its volcanoes, but it’s always nice to have a reason to return if we’re ever in the area 😉.

Crossing the International Date Line (the longest day of our lives)

From Auckland, we flew halfway across the Pacific to Honolulu and crossed the International Date Line. We woke up on Tuesday in Auckland, spent our entire day there and boarded a flight at 22.40, had a night on the plane and then woke up as we landed in Honolulu on Tuesday morning (again). This was a first for both of us, and meant that:

  1. We were irrationally excited
  2. Our spending against budget on Tuesday 30th was a bit of a disaster since we lived the day twice over
  3. Despite point 1, we forgot to book accommodation for our second Tuesday. Whoops!
  4. Our photos look like absolute chaos, flipping wildly between being in Auckland at 11am and Honolulu at 11.01am. This gave us the idea that we could do a time-travelling diary of our two Tuesdays…

So, here’s how our two Tuesdays unfolded, arranged by local time in each destination.


🏢 Auckland: We checked out of our hotel and left our big bags with the front desk, before walking through Auckland Domain (via many closed paths and diversions) to the Auckland Museum, which sits right in the middle. We actually came here on our very first day to watch the sunset, so it felt like nice symmetry to revisit on our last day.

🌺 Hawaii: Meanwhile, in Hawaii, our flight landed and we cruised out of the airport at record speed. Who has ever got through US immigration in under five minutes?! There was no queue whatsoever and while the officer initially seemed slightly concerned about our plans to stay in the country for nearly 50 days (well within the permitted 90 days, but admittedly still quite a long time), he soon got distracted by his absolute horror that we might consider crossing the country by train!


🏢 Auckland: Inside the museum, we met Peter and Barbara, two rare T-Rex skeletons (not casts!). These were very cool and we were particularly pleased to meet Barbara, as she is one of only three female T-Rex ever discovered. It blew my mind that Palaeontologists could tell she was female not from her size or shape, but through tiny chemical differences in her bones because she was pregnant at the time of her death. Meanwhile, we could see Peter’s injuries that likely resulted in his death.


🏢 Auckland: We began looking at exhibits on Māori and other Polynesian culture, but really spent most of our time dodging huge school groups before we realised just how much museum there was upstairs and so headed up for some peace and quiet. In the Natural World section, we laughed a lot at this quote on an exhibit about Charles Darwin:

His visit to New Zealand was brief, confined to the Bay of Islands, and made little impression on him

Auckland Museum

Poor New Zealand!

🌺 Hawaii: We arrived at our hotel (a last-minute interim when we realised we had nowhere to stay on our extra Tuesday – we’ll move to an apartment tomorrow). Our room wasn’t ready but we commandeered the ground floor bathrooms to change and freshen up, then set off to explore Waikiki.


🌺 Hawaii: Within minutes, we came across a very public Hula lesson in the street. We did not join in!


🏢 Auckland: After exploring a First World War exhibition together (fascinating to see it from New Zealand’s perspective), we parted ways. Oli spent some time in the Second World War exhibition, where his top sight was an anti-aircraft gun that had been bought from the US Navy after the war for two bottles of gin! Meanwhile, I headed to the Robin Morrison Road Trip exhibition, which featured photographs that he had taken on a seven-month trip around the South Island in 1979. I loved this – the use of colour and the composition of his photographs were beautiful and really did serve as a time capsule of the late seventies. It felt wrong to take photographs of his photographs to put on the blog but I do keep thinking about them – I’m going to have to buy the book!

🌺 Hawaii: We took a walk on the beach and the promenade, soaking in the buzz and feeling intense culture shock. We weren’t in sparsely-populated, low-key NZ anymore! We saw surfers catching waves further out to sea, body boarders closer to the beach, people playing in the shallows and even a man using a metal detector in the water – I wonder whether he found any treasure.


🏢 Auckland: We met up for a (mediocre) lunch in the museum cafe. We arrived and ordered separately and then staff definitely suspected that I was stealing Oli’s lunch when it came out and I claimed it while he was in the loo!

🌺 Hawaii: After a long time in the same country, we were ready to embrace a new cuisine so we headed to Five Star Poke, which served (you guessed it) poke bowls (containing marinated raw fish, rice and sometimes other vegetable goodies, such as seaweed and edamame beans), pretty much the only thing we knew about Hawaiian food.


🏢 Auckland: We walked across the city in the sunshine to the 328m-high Sky Tower, an iconic part of the city’s skyline and the tallest freestanding structure in the Southern Hemisphere.


🏢 Auckland: From the tower, we had beautiful views of the city, the harbour, multiple volcano cones and the outlying islands. It was only slightly disconcerting having orange-suited people hurtling past the window as they base-jumped from the level above us!

🌺 Hawaii: We checked into our hotel the moment our room was ready and promptly fell asleep.


🏢 Auckland: We had a very early dinner at Bona’s Thai, served by the loveliest husband and wife team, before heading back to the hotel to pick up our big bags and say farewell to Auckland.


🏢 Auckland: We walked to the central station, where the chap at customer services joined us in our confusion about the best way to pay our fares without buying two transport cards (which seemed a bit ridiculous, as we were on our way out of the country). I’ll just say this: if your ticketing structure is so complicated that even your own employees don’t understand it, then it probably needs a bit of work… Anyway, at length we managed to buy tickets and took the train to Puhinui and a connecting bus to Auckland International Airport.

🌺 Hawaii: We rushed out of our hotel with just minutes to spare and arrived at the beach bang on 6.30pm (having read that people normally set up chairs several hours before!) to watch a Hula performance while the sun set behind us.


🏢 Auckland: Even with our ticketing adventures, we still arrived at the airport SO early that we had time to kill, so we set about trying to palm the transport card we’d just bought onto someone else. This was harder than it seemed! Eventually, we donated it to a newsagent who sold the cards and she promised us that she’d pass it onto the next people who came to buy one. I wonder where it is now!


🏢 Auckland: Once we’d passed through security, we set about playing a round of one of our favourite games: Leftover Currency Golf. This is where you try to buy as many tasty snack items as possible using any remaining cash, and then count up your change to calculate your score. Lowest score wins!

🌺 Hawaii: We joined a very long queue to try the most famous noodles in town at Marugame Udon. We were surprised to see such strong Japanese cultural influence here, but we read that Japanese people were actually the second largest ethnic group in Hawaii, a result of the long tradition of relations between the two. Anyway, the food was delicious and tasted just like Japan.


🏢 Auckland: We boarded our flight and Oli took full advantage of the New Zealand wines while I watched Nomadland. Then it was time to try to get some sleep before beginning our Tuesday all over again in the morning…

🌺 Hawaii: We arrived back at our hotel, exhausted from our two Tuesdays.